Thursday 6 August 2015

Strict on their Google adsense rules 2015

Google adsense rules 2015 Top 10  never avoid 

Google adsense is the best way to earn decent revenue. For that follow some rules and regulations. Hi friends dont forget these Google adsense rules 2015 while you using Google adsense. Google is very strict on their Google adsense rules. why because so many people using adwords to promote their product. So Their ads reach millions of people on millions of website. If the users who are using google adsense are not following the Google adsense rules 2015... The trust will be broken for ad publishers. Not only that google also lose their major revenue. For that reason google is very strict. If any one do the same google surely disable adsense account. So here are the some of google adsense rules 2015 to follow, and prevent your google adsense account get disabled.

Google adsense rules 2015:

Google adsense rules 2015 : You content is Unique not copied from others.
Google adsense rules 2015 : Never tell your friends to click on your ads.
Google adsense rules 2015 : Follow web master guidelines.
Rules 2015 : Don’t use any other ad service on your website while using adsence .
 Rules 2015 : Use your own content that means Always use your 100% original content.
 Rules 2015 : Try to Use your own images. create your own images.
Rules 2015 : Never ever click into your own ads.
Rules 2015 : Don’t put more than 3 ads on any page.
 Rules  : Don’t post or host contents related to hacking, cracking software, piracy etc.
 Rules  : Don’t use pornographic materials on your site.
 Rules  : Make sure your content should useful.
Click here to know the google adsense rules privacy policy.

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